Tuesday, March 10, 2009

cool shiznit in my hood

Everyonce in a while I am stunned by the great things that are in my 'hood. I live on the west end of toronto, and I am really into live music. (Well, live music at small venues to be more precise.)

There are a few places that I've been to lately that are really charming holes in the wall that you should go to, really.

Hugh's Room- It's been around for a million years (well 5 probably) and has great live acts. It's so darn civilized. You have dinner, you sit at a table, and you stay seated while the band comes on to perform. Civilized. And people are so respectful of the music, and the listening, I love it.

Dakota Tavern- basement, country, quaint and cool. This place is at Dundas & Ossington. How amazing is that? to be that hip and down to earth. Not to mention, it's a favourite of the Six Shooter crowd, and I love everything on that label.

Not My Dog- this place is tiny, and charming. I saw Justin Rutledge there just before christmas with about 23 other people. although it's no good for acoustics etc, it's just a cute little bar.

the Intersteer- this institution used to live 2 doors down for years. it was gross, and disgusting. Now it's had a facelift, and looks alarmingly like the last one, but nice. and you can use the bathroom without bathing in lysol afterwards. Their beer of choice is Zyvitz (can't remember how to spell it, but that's definitely how you say it)

The local- well it's been awhile, but it's awesome. good pub food, right next door to the Revue, and it's got some good art and local music. one of my favourites.

Anyways. try them. they're good. in my opinion. which may not be yours :)